Thursday, January 12, 2017

From 1001 Nights to 2001 Story Resources III: Stor e Telling 2015

Scheherazade and a Quest
Abu'l-Hasan Khan
Ghaffari Kashani (1814–1866)
The tale of the Persian beauty Scheherazade is one all storytellers are familiar with, a woman who saved her own life by sharing 1000 stories by the end of 1001 nights.

I began writing the Stor e Telling column for Storytelling Magazine in 2002 and since then I have reviewed well over 2001 storytelling and educational websites, as well as individual folktales, fairy tales, myths and legends.

Below are the columns I wrote in 2015, each with a synopsis to help you find what you may be seeking in case your time is limited.

At the end of the blog you will also find links to all of the columns from 2002 – 2014. At the time they were posted all of the links were active. If you find a dead link please let me know and I will do my best to find the updated source.


I hope you find something useful and fun to add to your storytelling repertoire or classroom, business enterprises or school curriculum. As always, I appreciate any comments you wish to share. Happy surfing! 

Stor e Telling  January February 2015: Drama
There are resources on theme of drama, folktales to celebrate the ‘roar’ of March, fairy to celebrate Tell a Fairy Tale Day and more.

Stor e Telling March April May 2015: National Storytelling Conference
Celebrate with stories! Victoria Day in Canada, Go Fishing Day in the USA, and resources to help you find your way to fun at the National Storytelling Conference in Missouri. (The conference is being held there again this year so the information will still be useful.)

Stor e Telling June July 2015: Bilingual Storytelling
Bilingual stories and resources, including downloadable books, activities and lesson plans. Also, tales to celebrate Aunt and Uncle Day in the USA, and myths, legends, Sufi, Buddhist tales and many more.

Stor e Telling August September 2015: Workshops
Planning to submit a workshop proposal in 2017? You will find a number of resources to help you get that coveted ‘You have been accepted” letter. Want to offer a virtual workshop? You will find Skype three tutorials also resources to guide you through learning curve. There are also links to icebreakers, always a great tool to use in workshops. There are also stories and curriculum to celebrate Elephant Appreciation Day!

Stor e Telling October November December: Fairy Tales
Of course, since the theme for this issue was fairy tales you will find three public domain books filled with wonder. There are other tales to herald World Kindness Day, delicious stories about fall apples that pack a tasty crunch, and more!

If you are interested in the previous Stor e Telling columns I posted you will find them all at the links below:

From 1001 Nights to 2001 Story Resources II: Stor e Telling 2014

From 1001 Nights to 2001 Story Resources: Stor e Telling 2013

Stor e Telling Columns: 2007 to 2012 with Synopses

In addition, all of my Stor e Telling columns in Storytelling Magazine from 2002-2006 are listed on the Publication’s Page on my website. One caveat, I have not had the opportunity to recheck all of the links; that is a project for another day. You will find a point and click extravaganza of story research here:

Please note, websites change at a rapid pace and web links may change or break without notice. I cannot be responsible for redirected or broken links.  At the time of this posting all links were in working order. Thank you for understanding.

Karen Chace 2017 ©

This blog post was researched and compiled by Karen Chace. Permission for private use is granted. Distribution, either electronically or on paper is prohibited without my expressed written permission. For permission please contact me at Of course, if you wish to link to my blog via your website, blog, newsletter, Facebook page or Twitter please feel free to do so; I greatly appreciate your support and personal integrity.


storydevi said...

your generosity and beautiful writing and offerings moves me to the core. thank you for what you do!

Karen Chace said...

Dear Laura,

Such a lovely note to brighten my day. Thank you for taking the time to share your kind words.
