September 18, 2010 Story Cafe and will offer his Storytelling and Historical Interpretation Workshop on Saturday morning September 18, 2010. (details below)
Make a day of it! Come to the workshop and afterwards you can take a tour of historical New Bedford. The Whaling Museum and National Park building is right around the corner, have dinner then return to the Story Cafe, which begins at 7:00 p.m. Click on the Story Cafe link above and scroll down to the "Things To Do in New Bedford" section for some fun ideas.
Storytelling and Historical Interpretation Workshop
Calling all museum and historic site staff, teachers, librarians, archivists, docents, tour guides, and history-loving storytellers! How do you search out stories in your community, tell these stories and make history come alive? Where are our community stories? What is heritage value? What can artifacts tell us?
Join heritage conservationist and storyteller Dale Jarvis for a half-day workshop on storytelling for museum and historic site workers. Through this workshop you will learn to utilize story telling for more engaging historical interpretation. Learn the basic principles of cultural interpretation, and what it means for a storyteller. Hear how fact and fiction blended together to become the chilling and entertaining tales of the St. John’s Haunted Hike ghost tour. Dale will talk about how he uses archives and oral history to find his stories, and bring them to life.
DATE: Saturday, September 18, 2010
TIME: 11:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.
LOCATION: ArtWorks 384 Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford, MA
DIRECTIONS: http://www.artworksforyou.org/hours.html
COST: $55.00
This includes a light lunch or if you prefer you can bring something of your own as we cannot accommodate and special dietary requests. Registration and a $15.00 deposit are required. To register contact Alicia Moretti at ArtWorks at (508) 984-1588.*
PARKING: There are two parking areas within easy walking distance to ArtWorks: Elm Street Parking Garage and Custom House Parking. http://tinyurl.com/ylx2akr It is recommended that you don't park on the street as there is a two hour limit on metered parking.
* A minimum of six participants are needed for the workshop to take place. Registrants will be notified by Thursday, September 16 if the workshop has been canceled.
Dale Jarvis is a heritage conservationist and professional folklorist and author living and working in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. He holds a B.Sc. (Honours) in Anthropology from Trent University and an MA in Folklore from Memorial University of Newfoundland.
He has been working as a heritage officer with the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador since 1995, and currently serves as Newfoundland and Labrador’s Intangible Cultural Heritage Development Officer. He is Past President of the Newfoundland Historic Trust, and the author of three popular books on Newfoundland folklore, published by Flanker Press.
He has been working as a heritage officer with the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador since 1995, and currently serves as Newfoundland and Labrador’s Intangible Cultural Heritage Development Officer. He is Past President of the Newfoundland Historic Trust, and the author of three popular books on Newfoundland folklore, published by Flanker Press.

He regularly gives courses on storytelling for historical interpretation for community and regional museums and historic sites, and has provided workshops for Parks Canada, the Federation of Nova Scotian Heritage, Northlands Storytelling Network, and Storytellers of Canada/Conteurs du Canada.
This will be an exciting day and evening. Please join us! Questions? Email me at storybug@aol.com.