Monday, October 7, 2013

Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Stor e Telling November December 2009

Tortoise and Hare
Jean Grandville, 19th Centuy
I have penned the Stor E Telling column since January of 2002 and the articles from 2002-2006 are the publications page of my website found here I will be adding the columns from 2007 to 2012 to that page as well. However, I am in the process of checking what link URL's have changed or are now defunct. It is a time consuming process so I am taking the “slow and steady” approach via Aesop and will post the individual columns on my blog for now.

I will not be adding current columns until the following year, so if you want immediate access to the newest websites, consider becoming a member of the
National Storytelling Network.

Please feel free to comment on the blog and let me know if you find this useful.

P.S. I know many of you are probably tired of reading the above message, which I use in all of my Slow and Steady articles. However, I continue to use if for those new readers who might not know the reasoning behind these blog posts, and of course, to make them aware of the NSN. There is always a method to my madness. Thanks for playing along.


This issue addresses Story and Transformation so I offer some sites to assist you in transforming your own story work.

Moral Dynamics of Storytelling: Inviting Transformation
“Telling our story expresses the person we are. It forms the person we are becoming….” An article that discusses storytelling and how it relates to Christian ethics.

The National Storytelling Network offers an array of SIG’S (special interest groups) to support you.

Healing Story Alliance (HSA)
HSA’s purpose is to “to promote the use of storytelling in healing…using stories to inform, inspire, nurture and heal.”

Producers and Organizers (PRO)
PRO “encourages cooperation, networking and support among organizers within the NSN….” 

Storytelling in Organizations (SIO)
SIO “brings these narrative insights onto the contemporary business scene….” 

Youth, Educators and Storytelling (YES)
YES “promotes youth storytelling and encourages educators and other adults to use storytelling as an educational tool in classrooms and in other settings…” 

November is Aviation Month so why not fly the friendly skies with stories! – Two Brothers and a Dream
Interesting information on these two famous brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, including a video with one of the museum curators. 

The Flying Canoe 

The Flying Turtle

They Myth of Daedalus & Icarus

November 11 is Veterans’ Day. I offer some sites to honor our men and women who have served our country.

Heroes and Heroic Deeds of the Great War – True stories of valor during WW I by Donald A Mackenzie. History: Veterans Remember
Collection of oral histories from veterans of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

War Letters
From eyewitness accounts of famous battles, moving letters penned just before the writer was killed and heartbreaking 'Dear John' letters." Site features timeline of U.S. military actions, letter excerpts, and more. 

Legends of Tuskegee: American Visionaries
clearpixelThis site highlights the achievements of the highly respected
African-American pilots who served during WW II.

Women at War
From the Veterans History Project, this selection spans four wars including nurses’ tales, a story of a code breaker, a welder, a flight surgeon, the first woman general in the Air Force and the first woman to command a U.S. Navy ship.

Winter begins on December 21, 2009, Let’s welcome it with tales to warm your storytelling spirit.

American Folklore - Holiday stories and winter tales come from all over the United States and Canada.

The Sparrow’s Holiday 

The Long Winter

Norwegian Folk Tales
I offered this at the beginning of 2003 so it’s time for a re-visit!

Myths and Legends of AlaskaDownload this book from 1911 and the Land of the Midnight Sun!

And if you missed any of the pervious “Slow and Steady…” blog posts here are the links to the series so far.



January February 2008
March April 2008
May June 2008
Summer 2008
Fall 2008


January February 2009
May June 2009
July August 2009 
September October 2009


Karen Chace 2013 ©

This blog post was researched and compiled by Karen Chace. Permission for private use is granted. Distribution, either electronically or on paper is prohibited without my expressed written permission. For permission please contact me at Of course, if you wish to link to my blog via your website, blog, newsletter, Facebook page or Twitter please feel free to do so; I greatly appreciate your support and personal integrity.