Friday, January 8, 2016

From 1001 Nights to 2001 Story Resources II: Stor e Telling 2014

Scheherazade und Sultan Schariar
Ferdinand Keller, 1880

The tale of the Persian beauty Scheherazade is one all storytellers are familiar with, a woman who saved her own life by sharing 1000 stories by the end of 1001 nights. I began writing the Stor e Telling column for Storytelling Magazine in 2002 and since then I have reviewed well over 2001 storytelling and educational websites, as well as individual folktales, fairy tales, myths and legends.

Last year I posted all of my columns from 2014. I have listed them all below so they will be easier to locate. In additional, you will find a link that will take you to all of the articles and resources from 2007 to 2012. I have also begun rechecking all of the links in my columns from 2015 and recently posted the very first article from January/February 2015; the theme was Drama.

I invite you to return often for more resources as I continue to share my work. Please let me if you find this useful in your work; thank you for stopping by!

Stor e Telling: January February, March 2014: Spiritual Stories
In this post you will find Zen and Buddhist tales, stories that celebrated The Year of the Horse, and riddles stories to add some fun to National Puzzle Day. There are also a number of public domain books to honor Tell a Fairy Tale Day, stories about the wind and of course, to celebrate all things Irish!

Stor e Telling: April May 2014: Storytelling World Award
Stories from Turkey, Italy and Japan, including tales of Rübezahl and more. All the links have been checked. Have fun surfing for stories!

Stor e Telling: June July: Storytelling in the Classroom
Resources, residency information, and some ‘egg’cellent stories to celebrate Sidewalk Egg Frying Day.

Stor e Telling: August September: Festival Revivals
While these sites focus on a variety of festivals, music, cultural arts, and theater, the information and advice will be useful to storytelling festival producers as well. Also, there are stories to complement Grandparents Day, National Dog Day, the entire Stith Thompson Index and more.

Stor e Telling: October November December: Storytelling and Play
Information on writing prompts, lesson plans for Aesop, Animal Tales, Trickster Tales, American Folklore and more. If you are seeking information on how storytelling connects with the Common Core, YES (Youth, Education and Storytellers) has you covered with a comprehensive, downloadable document full of information to make your case! And just for fun, there are icebreakers and games to add fun to your day!

Stor e Telling Columns: 2007 to 2012 with Synopses

From 1001 Nights to 2001 Story Resources: Stor e Telling 2013

Please note, websites change at a rapid pace and weblinks may change or break without notice. I cannot be responsible for redirected or broken links.  At the time of this posting all links were in working order. Thank you for understanding.

Karen Chace 2016 ©

This blog post was researched and compiled by Karen Chace. Permission for private use is granted. Distribution, either electronically or on paper is prohibited without my expressed written permission. For permission please contact me at Of course, if you wish to link to my blog via your website, blog, newsletter, Facebook page or Twitter please feel free to do so; I greatly appreciate your support and personal integrity.



Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Drama: Stor e Telling: January February 2015

"Come down,”
cried the hero’s wife.’
Illustration by Frank C. Papé
The Russian Story Book, 1916
We recently said good-bye to 2015, which means it is time to begin sharing my Stor e Telling columns from the National Storytelling Magazine. The resources below are from the January/February 2015 issue. All of the links have been checked and updated where necessary. I hope you find something useful to add to your repertoire either now or in the future.

Please note that I only add my columns to my blog when the year has passed. To receive additional, timely resources, please consider becoming a member of the National Storytelling Network. Your membership includes the National Storytelling Magazine.

The subject for this issue was Drama so I begin with links to complement the theme.

Dramaturgy Listserv“The dramaturgy listserv is available for any local playwright looking to pair up with a dramaturg to discuss and develop their work.” 

Performance Research is an independent, peer-reviewed journal… that aims to promote a dynamic interchange between scholarship and practice in the expanding field of performance. This link will take you to the issue on Dramaturgy.

The Deep Order of Turbulence: The Three Faces of DramaturgyScholarly paper by Eugenio Barba, founder and director of the Odin Teatret in Denmark.


Here in the USA we have a saying, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb” so I offer you some folktales that roar!

The Hare and the Lion – Africa

The Lily and the Lion – Grimm

The Lion and the Beetle – United States

The Lion and the Crane - India 

The Lion and the Mouse - Greece
The Lion and the Three Cows – Afghanistan  

The Lion’s Dinner – Africa

The Lion’s Enchantment – Spain

The Lion’s Share – India

Lion and Jackal- South Africa

Sister Fox – Ukraine

Why Does Lion Roar? – Angola

February 26th is Tell a Fairy Tale Day. I offer you tales sprinkled with a bit of fairy tale magic.

The Diamond Fairy Book by various authors.

English Fairy Tales by Flora Annie Steel complemented with beautiful illustration of Arthur Rackham.

The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault Stories offered by the man they say laid the foundation for a new literary genre, the fairy tale.

The Irish Fairy Book by Alfred Perceval Graves; the Giant Walker, The White Trout, and the Horned Women are just a few of the stories shared in these virtual pages
Old Fashioned Fairy Tales - According to the author, Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing, these are her original stories, not adapted from any other fairy tales.

The Shoemaker's Apron: A Second Book of Czechoslovak Fairy Tales and Folk Tales by Parker Fillmore “A collection of twenty stories…conceived with all the gorgeousness of the Slavic imagination...”

I invite you to visit my blog post from 2014 Tell a Fairy Tale Day. All of the links have been checked so you will be whisked away to the land of story in no time at all!

MISCELLANEOUS – Great site for traveling storytellers who need to find an affordable, unique place to stay; over 190 locations all over the world. Thanks to Linda Goodman for sharing the site.


Please note, websites change at a rapid pace and weblinks may change or break without notice. I cannot be responsible for redirected or broken links.  At the time of this posting all links were in working order. Thank you for understanding.


Karen Chace 2016 ©

This blog post was researched and compiled by Karen Chace. Permission for private use is granted. Distribution, either electronically or on paper is prohibited without my expressed written permission. For permission please contact me at Of course, if you wish to link to my blog via your website, blog, newsletter, Facebook page or Twitter please feel free to do so; I greatly appreciate your support and personal integrity.