The Tease, 1901
by John William Godward |
November will soon be upon us and instead of spending your nights alone come out and feast your ears and eyes at these amazing
Tellabration's™ happening around the country. Some are strictly for adults, others for family audiences; there is sure to be something that strikes your fancy, warms your heart and teases the laughter right out of you!
Tellabration was invented by storyteller and past board member of the Connecticut Storytelling Center, J.G. Pinkerton also known as “Paw-Paw" Pinkterton. Tellabration began on November 18, 1988 as a way to re-introduce adults to the art of storytelling. Since then, Tellabration™ events have been held on every continent except Antarctica! The event is now under the auspices of the National Storytelling Network and there are more events listed at their link.
If you have a Tellabration event you would like featured on this page (it's free!) email me the information at storybug@aol.com using the format below:
FORMAT * You don’t have to actually type the headings, i.e. date/city/stat,e etc. This is just the sequence for the format.
Two sentences on event
Cost if any
Audience i.e. adult/family
Contact person, email, phone and/or website
Use Times Roman size 12 font/black
Please do not use abbreviations; that just means I have to type more. Please do not send me fliers to edit or anything that needs rewording, spell checking or rearranging of the format. Please, please, please follow the easy format above or look at an example below. If directions are not followed I will have to send it back to you, which will make me feel bad. Your help and thoughtfulness will be greatly appreciated.
November 19, 2011 Oro Valley, Arizona at the Oro Valley Public Library, 1305 W. Naranja Drive. The Tucson Tellers of Tales will feature eight local storytellers. Stories will be appropriate for audiences ages 10 to adult. This is a free event. Call (520) 742-4305 for more information.
November 12, 2011, Antioch, CA; Antioch Public Library, 501 W. 18th St. 3-5 p.m.
The Storytelling Association of California presents an afternoon of myths, folklore, legends and fairytales presented by some of our most talented local tellers. Sara Armstrong, Jean Ellisen, Ed Lewis, Tyler Snortum-Phelps, and Kirk Waller (emcee). Tickets: $12, advanced purchase recommended. Adult audience. Contact Marian Ferrante; deltawordweavers@att.net;
(925) 437-1360 or (925) 256-1428 www.storysac.org
November 19, 2011 Claremont, CA at the Claremont Folk Music Center, 220 N. Yale beginning a 7:30 P.M. Inland Valley Storytellers Angela Lloyd, Karen Rae Kraut, John St. Clair, Patricia Snow, Ron Chick, and Ron Evans will be sharing their stories, ranging from traditional to personal, with Nick Smith as MC. This is a truly amazing venue for storytelling. It is in a music store that was founded by a woman who was both a storyteller and an artist, and her family kept it going after her death. We tell stories while surrounded by musical instruments from all over the world. Admission is $10.00. Questions or additional information email john.stclair@inlandstorytellers.org or visitwww.inlandstorytellers.org .
November 19, 2011 Santa Rosa, California at the Glaser Center, 547 Mendocino Avenue. 'Stories to Remember' Tellabration! ™ at 7:00 P.M. features local storytellers, Cathryn Fairlee, Martha Shogren, Elaine Stanley, Kenneth Foster and Cal Johnson, all members of the Do Tell Story Swap, with an added bonus we have invited two Story Slammers, Leslie Scatchard and Dave Pokorny to join us. Dave Pokorny produces and hosts the story slam at West Side Stories in Petaluma, California. Open to the public, our Tellabration! ™ 'Stories to Remember' is free and best suited for teens through adults. For more information email kennethfosterstoryteller@comcast.net .
November 19, 2011 Atlanta, Georgia at the Carter Library/Museum, 441 Freedom Parkway. Sponsored by the Southern Order of Storytellers, Tellabration Atlanta will feature four of the Atlanta area's best tellers, Deborah Strahorn, Amy Johnson, Gail Hogan, Jonah McDonald with MC, Ron Kemp. The family friendly event will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will cost $10.00. Contact Shannon McNeal at shannonmcneal@att.net or
November 12, 2011 Urbana, Unitarian Universalist Church, 309 W. Green Street. Illinois. The CU Storytelling Guild presents Dan Keding, Kathe Brinkmann, Linda Dust, Kim Sheahan,Hal Southern, Camille Born, Barb Bolser and Sue Searing. Begins at 7:30 P.M. Donation $5.00 for Eastern Illinois Foodbank. This show is for family/adult. br8nkmann@gmail.com or 217-337-5590.
November 19, 2011 Chicago, Illinois hosted by ASE (pronounced ah SHAY): The Chicago Association of Black Storytellers at Donoghue Elementary, 707 East 37th Street at 1:30 pm. Featured tellers include ASE Youth Tellers, Zahra Baker, Beverly Bennett, Baba Tony Brown, Alice Collins, Dolores Gordon, and Virginia & Angela Lathan. The event will be hosted by Niambi Muhammad. Free admission. www.aseblackstorytellers.org or contact Kucha Brownlee at Kucha@aol.com
November 19, 2011 Batavia, Illinois. Bethany Lutheran Church at 8 South Lincoln Avenue. A benefit for the Batavia Inter-Faith Food Pantry! Stories with humor and heart for all ages. Sue Black, The Double Deckers, Donna Dettman, Linda Gorham, Anita Blake, Brian Geddes, and the Gregory Middle School Tattle-Tales will perform for the cause. Admission price is your Donation--one non-perishable food item per person. Everyone welcome but seating is limited! CONTACT Mike Speller #815-727-2529 if you have any questions AND stay tuned to Facebook "Fox Valley Storytelling Guild" for updates.
November 20, 2011 Chicago, Illinois 6100 S Blackstone, (Enter from Dorchester. street parking) in Hyde Park. 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. Family concert. 7:00 – 10:00 P.M. Adult concert. Savor the Art of Storytelling at our 15th milestone Tellabration! Let nationally acclaimed storytellers enthrall you with Classic and Contemporary, Universal and Personal engaging stories. Two Programs: Family and Children from 3-5pm. Adult concert from 7-9:30pm. Featured tellers include: Mike Speller, Carol Kerman, Susan O'Halloran, In the Spirit, Loren Niemi, Shanta, Linda Gorham, Megan Wells, Mark Kater, Jasmin Cardenas, Vicki Elberfeld, Darlene and Larry Newman, Velma Gladney, Sandi Sylver, Judith Heineman, Suzie Garfield, Jeff Solotorff, members of the Chicago storytelling Guild and more.... *Sign Language Interpretation provided by Liz Bartlow Breslin. Anniversary cake served during evening intermission! Cost $5.00, For Reservations, Information or to Volunteer, contact Judith Heineman: juhestories@aol.com, 773-288-7217, or Jeff : jeffro1165@sbcglobal.net .
November 9, 2011 Portland, Maine. MOOSE (Maine Organization Of Storytelling Enthusiasts) at the Portland Public Library, Monument Square, Rines Auditorium. Beginning at 7:00 p.m. hosted by Michael Parent tellers: Audrey Mason, Meg Gillman, Jo Radner, Jean Armstrong, Roland Watier, Sarah Halford, Katy Rydell and Pat Gardiner. Cost:$10.00 Contact: Debb Freedman at storyspell@hotmail.com
November 19, 2011 Northfield, MA Dickinson Memorial Library 115 Main Street.
Adult audience. Tellers: Lot Therio, Onowumi Jean Moss, Rona leventhal.Contact:
Heather Tower, 413-522-9873, smother@comcast.net |
November 12, 2011 Ann Arbor, Michigan. This is Ann Arbor's 20th Tellabration at St. Clare's Episcopal Church/Temple Beth Emeth; 2309 Packard (at Eastover) beginning at 7:30 P.M. Adults 14 and over Tickets at the door $10.00. Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Storytellers' Guild.Benefit performance to bring outstanding storytellers to Ann Arbor Schools Emcee and Guest Storyteller, Jeanne Mackey. AASG tellers: Beverly Black, Lyn Davidge, Jeff Doyle, Yvonne Healy, Darryl Mickens, Judy Schmidt. More info:http://www.annarborstorytelling.org
November 13, 2011 Ann Arbor, Michigan - 10th Family Tellabration Concert - Ann Arbor District Library - Malletts Creek Branch- 3090 Eisenhower Parkway. Begins at 2:30. Ages 4 & up Admission free Beverly Black, Emcee. AASG Telllers: Jill Halpern, Laura Lee Hayes, Darryl Mickens. More information: http://www.annarborstorytelling.org http://www.annarborstorytelling.org
November 18, 2011 Midland, Michigan at the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Auditorium. Our theme for the evening is a Tapestry of Stories. Tellers will be: Eileen Delorenzo, Judy Oberloier, Carole Randle, Joe Remenar, and Carol Garner. Emcee for the evening will be Char Tabor. Time 7:00 p.m. No admission fee but donations warmly appreciated. Audience: 10 years old and up.Contact info. Carol Garner, 989-773-1603.
November 19, 2011 Lansing, Michigan. An Evening of Stories for Grown-Ups (12 and up) at First United Methodist Church, 3827 Delta River Drive, Lansing 48906. Join the Lansing Storytellers as we make our way down the Mississippi River from Itaska, Minnesota to New Orleans. Tellers for the evening will be Ena Baker, Jean Bolley, Shirley Bradley, Anne Charamella, Jeff Doyle, Mari Martin, Kathy Montgomery, Jennifer Otto, and our captain Denise Roman. Tickets are $5.00 at the door and wonderful homemade cookies are included. Contact Jean Bolley, (517)281-8036 or e-mail bolleyj@hotmail.com for more information.
November 19, 2011 Livonia, Michigan at the Livonia Civic Center Library Auditorium, 32777 Five Mile Rd. 6:00 P.M. silent auction, 7:00 P.M. stories for adults followed by reception. Featuring: Barbara Schutzgruber, Loretta Vitek, The Fabricators: Milli P and Ami D, Judy Sima. Ticket $5 at the door. www.DetroitStorytelling.org. barbarannshapiro@aol.com 248-557-6249
November 25 & November 26, 2011 Minneapolis/Minnesota/Open Book @ 1011 Washington Avenue S. Northstar Storytelling League will be producing two nights and one full day of storytelling, including stories for adults, stories for children, workshops, open mics, a story slam and more. Tellers include: Josette Antomarchi, Felix Hampton Brown Peter Cook, John Dingley, Ben Habegger, Les Kurkendaal, Kohl Miner, Marcie Rendon, Amy Salloway and Ward Rubrecht. Hosted by Allison Broeren. ASL interpreted. Cost $12.00 for the concert, free for the day events. Audience i.e. adult/family - mixed though adults only for the story slam Contact person, Paula Nancarrow or Katherine Glover email prnancarrow@gmail.com, katherineglover@gmail.com
November 19, 2011 Concord, New Hampshire Technical Institute (NHTI) Library NH 31 College Drive at 7:30 p.m. An evening of Storytelling in areas all around the world. Produced by Central New Hampshire Storytelling Guild. Six amazing storytellers with a variety of tales to tell. Cash or Cans accepted for donation to The Friendly Kitchen. For more info contact Lauretta Phillips at lphillipstale@comcast.net
November 4, 2011 at 7:30pm Bethel in Historic Mt Tabor, NJ (26 Simpson Ave) "In Search of a Destination.” This annual event is often standing room only. This is the 5th year at the Bethel. Tellers - Story Weavers - Ken Galipeau, Peter Magnan, Carol Titus, Rivka Willick, Pat Wayne. Donations accepted for the Mt Tabor Historical Society. Audience – adult. Contact person, Carol Titus 973-625-8548 NJstorynet.org
November 20, 2011 Hamilton, New Jersey at the Hamilton Township Library, 1 Justice Samuel Alito Jr. Way from 1:00-5:00 p.m. Admission: $20.00. All proceeds will be donated to the Patrick S. Biddulph Foundation for Leukemia Research and the Hamilton Township Library Trust Fund. Contact:
609-890-3378 or englearnr@aol.com
November 19, 2011 Taos, New Mexico at the Taos Public Library.402 Camino De La Placita from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. The featured storyteller will be Phaedra Greenwood, an author, photographer, journalist, and storyteller. Other excellent local storytellers will share stories; so join us to tell a story or just to listen. This is a free event for all ages. Call Gail at 575-751-3442 for more information.
November 17, 2011 Port Jefferson, New York - Tellabration! 2011- Port Jefferson Free Library, 100 Thompson Street, Port Jefferson, NY., 6:45pm - 8:00pm. Members of the Long Island Storytelling Network (LISN) will be performing literary tales, folktales from around the world and folksongs for anyone ages 12 - 100. Featured tellers will be Harvey Heilbrun, Sylvia Khan and Bill Pierce. Admission is free for everyone. Pre-registration of Port Jefferson Library card holders is encouraged. To pre-register call the library at 631-473-0022. For more information about LISN or this event contact: Harvey Heilbrun at lisntellers@gmail.com
November 18, 2011 Riverhead, New York - Tellabration! 2011- Riverhead Free Library, 330 Court Street, Riverhead, NY., 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Members of the Long Island Storytelling Network (LISN) will be performing literary tales, folktales from around the world, original stories and folksongs for anyone ages 12 - 100. Featured tellers will be Harvey Heilbrun, Sylvia Khan, Bill Pierce, and Joyce Zucker. Admission is free for everyone. Pre-registration of Riverhead Library card holders is encouraged. To pre-register call the library at 631-727-2228. For more information about LISN or this event contact Harvey Heilbrun at lisntellers@gmail.com
November 19, 2011 Kingston, NY at Kingston City Hall, 420 Broadway. Tales Made True in the Telling: An Evening packed with stories for GROWN-UPS! Tellers: Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi, Jonathan Kruk, Jack Maguire, Karen Pillsworth. Tickets $10.00 per person More information contact Karen Pillsworth 845-331-3482 Kpstories@aol.comLorraine Hartin-Gelardi 845-266-4656 LHartin@aol.com .
November 26, 3011 Poughkeepsie, NY 67 South Randolph Road. The Spoken Word Cafe will feature 5 celebrated storytellers at our annual Tellebration night to delight, captivate and mesmerize! Janet Carter, Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi, Jonathan Heiles, Muriel W. Horowitz and Bill Joel. $5.00 admission, show begins at 7:00 P.M. Information:Angela Henry, Artistic Director, 917-509-5636.
November 20, 2011 Asheville, NC; Folk Art Center / Milepost 382 Blue Ridge Parkway, 3-5 PM. Asheville Storytelling Circle presents their 16th annual Tellabration! in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina before a capacity crown of 270. 2011 tellers include Tim Lowry, Charleston, SC, along with ASC tellers Sherry Lovett, Nancy Reeder, Ed Sacco, and Wayne Sims, Emcee. General admission: $5. Adult audience. Contact: 828-274-1123, 828-777-9177, or Jane Sims, Publicist, 828-664-1429, StoryBuff@aol.com. Asheville Storytelling Circle online: http://ashevillestorycircle.org/
November 18, 2011 Vermillion, Ohio in Mill Hollow Reservation of Lorain County Metroparks, 51211 North Ridge Road. Begins at 7:00 p.m. Sandstone Word Weavers Youth Storytellers and Western Reserve Association for the Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling adult tellers share tales by the fireplace in the Carriage Barn. Donations accepted. Adult/family. Contact Donna Marie Kuczynski at Donna@TalesToTell.org. For directions, (440) 967-7310 or http://www.metroparks.cc/maps.php?park=vermilion
November 19, 2011 Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio at CanalWay Visitor Center, Whittlesey Way (off E. 49th Street) in the Ohio and Erie Canal Reservation of Cleveland Metroparks. Begins at 7:00 p.m. Enjoy performances by five of the best local tale-tellers and songwriters in this annual event sponsored by Cleveland Metroparks and members of the two local storytelling guilds: WRAPPS and CABS. Foster Brown, Judy Bateman, Susan Gilchrist, Larry & Rosemary Knopf, John McMahon. A free event, donations accepted. Appropriate for adults, older students (minimum age 8 yrs old). Call 440-734-6660 for more information. Visit http://www.clevelandmetroparks.com for maps and directions. Janelle Reardon, jpr@clevelandmetroparks.com
November 19, 2011 Columbus, Ohio at the. Ohio Historical Center Auditorium ,1982 VelmqAkwaaba, an all-woman African Drum Group. Cost: 5. $7 for adults, $5 for seniors/students. Contact Frank McGarvey 614-268-0532 or www.socotales.org
November 18, 2011 Bartlesville OK, 115 E Frank Phillips Blvd. Tall tales and stories of medium stature. Connie Niel Fisher, Nikki Austin, Dianne Fallis, Fran Stallings Cost $5.00 Adults and older students Contact Fran Stallings, fran@franstallings.com or call 918-333-7390
November 17 - 19, 2011 Portland, Oregon. The Tellabration is the grand finale of Multnomah County Library’s Tapestry of Tales Storytelling Festival. Our branches are filled with local storytelling programs throughout October & November and the festival ends with three days of school visits and public performances by three nationally-renowned storytellers. Len Cabral, Barbara McBride-Smith and Kim Weitkamp, as well as numerous local tellers. The entire festival is free with the exception of a solo performance by Len Cabral November 18th ($10 at the door). The festival includes program for families/teens/adults; the Tellabration is recommended for adults and children ages 10 and older. Rachel Altmann, rachela@multcolib.org, www.multcolib.org/events/tales
November 19, 2011 Allentown, PA Lehigh Valley Mall Barnes and Noble by the.Lehigh Valley Storytelling Guild present a Children's Show - 10:30 am. Adults and Teens Show - 7:00 pm. Donations of canned goods will be accepted for the Nazareth Food Bank. Info: Maryellen Kanarr at 610-398-1316 and pcladultservices@gmail.com .
November 19, 2011 Nazareth PA at the Center for the Arts, 30 Belvidere Street. Children and Adults show - 3:00 pm, Adult and Teens -7:30 pm. Donations of canned goods will be accepted for the Nazareth Food Bank. Info: Larry 610-746-2813 or www.lvstorytellers.org or www.nazaretharts.com
November 19, 2011 San Antonio, Texas. Join Larry Thompson, Mary Grace Ketner, Richard Young, Judy Dockrey Young, Elder Stone, Veronica Gard, MaryAnn Blue, and Jane McDaniel for stories and fun. 7:00 p.m. at Franklin Park Sonterra Social Hall, 7:00 p.m. Admission $7.50 Questions: mgk@talesandlegends.net.
November 18-19, 2011 Murray, Utah Murray Theater at 4961 S. State Street. StorySwap is Utah's Tellabration and annual community outreach program that rotates to different counties each year to give the chance for people to experience storytelling. Over 20 storytellers will donate their talents within 10 struggling schools. The Utah Storytelling Guild offers story concerts and workshops free to families so to extend the art with all generations. Presenters include keynote Debi Richan, selected tellers from the Utah Storytelling Guild, and open sessions for community members to participate. Free, though donations accepted. Family audience. Contact StorySwap Chair Janine Nishiguchi at (801) 550-2282 or janinethestoryteller@yahoo.com . Website: http://www.utstoryswap.org
November 22, 2011 Monona, Wisconsin. At Monona Public Library, 1000 Nichols Road, Monona, WI 53716 A Gathering of Storytellers and Story Listeners will be held at 4:15 p.m. to 5:00p.m. Stories will be appropriate for preschool age children and their families. Featured tellers include: Megan McGuire and Karen Wendt.This is a Free event. Wheelchair accessible. Contact Karen Wendt at kmwendt@mononalibrary.org or 608-216-7453, or go to the website for more information: http://www.mononalibrary.org/youth/index.html