Friday, May 4, 2012

Let's Swim with the Fishes!

The Sea King and the Magic Jewels
by Warwick Goble, 1912
Let's go swimming with the fishes today! Here are some fingerplays, songs and story stretchers from my lapsit program. Further below you will find another link for stories, crafts and more. Happy fishing!


Teasing Mr. Shark (Tune: 5 Little Monkeys Swinging in a Tree)
Five little fishes, Swimming in the sea.
Teasing Mr. Shark, You can`t catch me, you can`t catch me.

Along comes Mr. Shark, As quiet as can be...
Snap! The little fish right out of the sea!
(Repeat with four little fishes, etc...down to one.)
Now Mr. Shark is lonely as can be!

Five Little Fishies

Five little fishies, swimming in a pool
(Wiggle five fingers)
The first one said, "The pool is cool."
(Show one finger, then wrap arms around body)
The second one said, "The pool is deep."
(Show two fingers, then hands measure 'deep')
The third one said, "I want to sleep."
(Show three fingers, then rest head on hands)
The fourth one said, "Let's take a dip." (Show four fingers, then hands 'dive' into water)
The fifth one said, "I spy a ship." (Show five fingers, then form scope with hands to peer through)
Fisher boat comes, (Form 'V' with fingers, then move hands away from body)
Line goes kersplash (Pretend to throw fishing line)
Away the five little fishies dash, dash, dash! (Wiggle five fingers away)


Have You Ever Gone A Fishin

Have you ever gone a fishin' on a warm summers day, 
Have you ever seen the fishies just a playin' in the bay?
With their hands in their pockets and their pockets in their pants,
Have you ever seen the Fishies doin' the Hootchie-Kootchie dance? 

You never did, you never will, boom, boom.
Have you ever gone a fishin' on a cold winter’s day?
Have you ever seen the fishies just a frozen in the bay?
With their hands in their pockets and their pockets in their pants,
Have you ever seen the fishies do the Hootchie-Kootchie dance? 

You never did, you never will.
Have you ever gone a fishin' on a warm spring day?
Have you ever seen the fishies just a swimmin' in the bay?
With their hands in their pockets and their pockets in their pants,
Have you ever seen the fishies doin' the Hootchie-Kootchie dance?
You never did, you never will, boom, boom.


Slippery Fish

Slippery Fish, Slippery Fish....
Swimming through the water ( use hands to act out fish swimming through the water)
Slippery Fish , Slippery Fish
Gulp, Gulp ( Each time you say Gulp...use hands on either side of mouth and slide down throat)
OH NO ! (When you say this, put hands on face)
He got eaten by........

A Tuna Fish, A Tuna Fish.....
Swimming through the water (use hands to act out a tuna fish swimming through the water)
A Tuna Fish, A Tuna Fish
Gulp, Gulp
He got eaten by........

An Octopus, an Octopus....
Swimming through the water ( use arms and wave them up and down for Octopus arms)
An Octopus, an Octopus...
Gulp, Gulp
He got eaten by.......

A Great Big Shark, A Great Big Shark....
swimming through the water (use arms from elbows to hands to look like a shark mouth opening and closing)
A Great Big Shark, A Great Big Shark.....
Gulp, Gulp
He got eaten by....

A Big Fat Whale, A Big Fat Whale.....
swimming through the water ( Use a deep voice and hold arms out to your sides to look like a Big Fat Whale)
A Big Fat Whale, A Big Fat Whale....
Burp, Burp....
EXCUSE ME! ( use a higher voice to say this part)


Stop by this blog post I wrote a while back and add some more fuel to your story and classroom fire!

Trolling for Tales

Karen Chace 2012 ©

This blog post was researched and compiled by Karen Chace. Permission for private use is granted. Distribution, either electronically or on paper is prohibited without my expressed written permission. For permission please contact me at Of course, if you wish to link to my blog via your website, blog, newsletter, Facebook page or Twitter please feel free to do so; I greatly appreciate your support and personal integrity.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Birds, Bees and Butterflies!

Beauty in the Garden
by Edmund Dulac, 1910
Since it is spring, at least that's what the calendar says, if not the weather, I thought I would share some of the cute fingerplays and songs from my lapsit program. Of course, I have also added some folktales, crafts, and lesson plans. I hope you find something fun to add some warmth to your day!


Five Little Bees
One little bee blew and flew.
He met a friend, and that made two.

Two little bees, busy as could be
Along came another and that made three.

Three little bees, wanted one more,
Found one soon and that made four.

Four little bees, going to the hive.
Spied their little brother, and that made five.

Five little bees working every hour--
Buzz away, bees, and find another flower.

Five Little Birds
Five little birds without any home,
(raise 5 fingers of right hand)
Five little trees in a row.
(raise right hand high over head)
Come and build your nests in our branches tall
(cup left hand for nest-right fingers in)
We'll rock you to and fro.
(then rock both hands)


Insect Song (Sung to "The Wheels on the Bus")
The firefly at night goes blink blink blink
Blink blink blink blink blink blink
The firefly at night goes blink blink blink
All around the town

The bees in the flowers go buzz buzz buzz....
The ants in the grass go march march march...
The crickets in the leaves go chirp chirp chirp...
The caterpillar in the field goes creep creep creep....


Little Butterfly (sung to I'm A Little Teapot)
I'm a little butterfly
I have wings
I fly around
And see all things.
When I see a flower
That looks great
I call out to all my mates!
To all of my mates.
Butterfly, Butterfly (To the tune of Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear)
Butterfly butterfly turn around,
Butterfly butterfly touch the ground,
Butterfly butterfly fly way up high,
Butterfly butterfly fly fly fly
Butterfly butterfly turn around
Butterfly butterfly float back down.


The Bear and the Bees - Aesop 

The Bird of Folklore – Hans Christina Andersen

The Butterfly Lovers - China

The Butterfly Soul - Japan

Bunnyyarl the Flies and Wurrunnunnah the Bees - Australian

The Butterfly – Hans Christian Andersen

The Cricket’s Song - Guatemala

How Butterflies Came to Be - Philippines

How the King of Birds Was Chosen - Mayan

The Language of the Birds - Russia

The Princess Lily – China

The Queen Bee – Germany

The Turtle and the Birds - Sudan

The Wings of the Butterfly - Brazil


The Beautiful Butterfly: A Folktale from Spain retold by Judy Sierra.

Butterfly House by Eve Bunting.

Coyote and the Laughing Butterflies retold by Harry Peck Taylor


Butterfly and Caterpillar Crafts Many adorable crafts to choose from.

Bug Jars - Children will learn to look at the details of bugs and plants as they learn about symmetry and asymmetry. This is a craft and lesson plan all in one!

Three Easy Bird Feeders To Make With Kids


Learning About BirdsHands on, interactive learning. Multiple resources for a variety of grade levels.

Honey Bees and Cultural Attitudes - Grades: 4-6 Essential Skills: Literature, Language Arts, Social Studies Students explore how honey bees are portrayed in art and literature. It also offers a comprehensive and age appropriate bibliography at the end.


Nurturing Nature with Natives Coloring Book


Birds in Superstition and Folklore

Folklore of Butterflies                                                      

Myth and Moor – The Folklore of Birds

Please note, websites change at a rapid pace and weblinks may change or break without notice. I cannot be responsible for redirected or broken links.  At the time of this posting all links were in working order. Thank you for understanding.


Karen Chace 2021 ©

This blog post was researched and compiled by Karen Chace. Permission for private use is granted. Distribution, either electronically or on paper is prohibited without my expressed written permission. For permission, please contact me at Of course, if you wish to link to my blog via your website, blog, newsletter, Facebook page or Twitter please feel free to do so; I greatly appreciate your support and personal integrity.