Monday, August 19, 2013

Slow and Steady Wins the Race: May June 2008

Hare and Tortoise
Milo Winter, 1919
I have penned the Stor E Telling column since January of 2002 and the articles from 2002-2006 are the publications page of my website found here I will be adding the columns from 2007 to 2012 to that page as well. However, I am in the process of checking what link URL's have changed or are now defunct. It is a time consuming process so I am taking the “slow and steady” approach via Aesop and will post the individual columns on my blog for now.

I will not be adding current columns until the following year, so if you want immediate access to the newest websites, consider becoming a member of the National Storytelling Network.

Please feel free to comment on the blog and let me know if you find this useful.
May 1 is Mother Goose Day. These delightful rhymes can be traced back to London in 1605 migrating to France then America. We may never know if Mother Goose was real or fictitious but as in all things wonderful, she has stood the test of time. I offer you some links to help celebrate the day.

The Official Home of the Mother Goose Society
Information about Mother Goose and her transformation through the ages, along with fingerplays, rhymes and more links.

Mother Goose in Prose by L. Frank Baum
A collection of tales inspired by Mother Goose rhymes.

Mother Goose Express
Fun activities, craft projects, coloring sheets and more for teachers and storytellers to keep the wee ones engaged and entertained.

Timber! June 28 is Paul Bunyan Day so I offer some Tall Tales associated with the famous lumberjack and lesson plans to help us celebrate BIG!

American Folklore
Read the story of Paul Bunyan’s birth, watch him dig Lake Michigan and follow him down to the Whistling River. Six stories that will make him step right off of the page!

Lesson plans on Ten Characters from American Folkore.Students learn about Pecos Bill, Daniel Boone, Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan, John Henry, and five other characters from America's folk history.”
Lots of fun printables for your students or clients to complement your Paul Bunyan/Tall Tales program: Word Searches, Crossword Puzzles, Coloring Pages, Bookmarks and more.

The business end of things…

Do you have some photographs you would love to use in your promotional material but the background or colors are off? flauntR is a professional photo editing tool that is easy and free. Say “cheese!”

Specialty Insurance
Many clients now require that performers carry General Liability Insurance. This company offers insurance for clowns, jugglers, face painters, storytellers, magicians, street performers and others for a reasonable fee.

Using Technology to Tell Stories
Create your own digital storytelling project. The site includes a step by step guide, examples of digital storytelling, rubrics assessment, lesson plans and additional web links. In no time at all you will be saying, “It’s a wrap!”

Other sites of interest…
Folktales From Many Lands              
From 1910 a fascinating book of twenty-three folktales from around the world. Feast your eyes not only on the words but the exquisite illustrations that complement each tale.

Georgian Folktales
A short collection of folktales from the nation of Georgia by Marjory Wardrop offered by Sacred Texts.

Speak Bird, Speak Again
A book of Palestinian Arab Folktales from Ibrahim Muhawi and Sharif Kanaana.

Storytelling Cue Cards
Through the generosity of Brian Strum you can view and print a wide variety of story cue cards, 127 stories in all, which will easily help you understand the bones of a story. He has organized each tale clearly and concisely by: 

·         Bibliographic Information
·         Ethnic
·         Origin
·         Running Time
·         Power Center(s)
·         Characters
·         Scenes
·         Synopsis
·         Rhymes Special Phrases
·         Audience
·         Bibliographic Information on Other Versions/Variants
·         Brief Comparison of Versions/Variants
And if you missed any of the pervious “Slow and Steady…” blog posts here are the links to the  series so far.


January February 2007
March April 2007
May June 2007
July August 2007
September October 2007
November December 2007


January February 2008
March April 2008


Karen Chace 2013 ©
This blog post was researched and compiled by Karen Chace. Permission for private use is granted. Distribution, either electronically or on paper is prohibited without my expressed written permission. For permission please contact me at Of course, if you wish to link to my blog via your website, blog, newsletter, Facebook page or Twitter please feel free to do so; I greatly appreciate your support and personal integrity.